Updated Hourly!!! (when needed) - main tained by Volunteer Web Master BONI JERGEN Note: This Site is UnOfficial, and not Endorsed by Neil Hamurger, un fortunately. . Neil Hamburger presents SEASONAL DEPRESSION SUITE This is an Unofficial site and Neil Hamburger has asked us to take it down. However, we do have some new information about a New Neil Hamburger album that IS NOW AVAILABLE!
BIG STORY: Neil Hamburger Presents Seasonal Depression Suite now available for pre-order. You can buy by click on this link. It is available on L.P. Album, Cassette Tape, Compact Disc C.D, or digital Computer files.
A Note From the WEB MASTER
Neil Hamburger's Manager has not replied to any of my e-mails in 2013 or 2014.    Neil has not said to me "Thanks for all the Hard work of keeping this Web site going, and raising two Dogs at the same time." Neil is so busy with sold out shows around the World but too busy to answer my Phone calls I guess. Too bad because I have worked so Hard to make this site win Awards, which it has won 4 Awards now, with more to come! Bananas had gotten Sick in 2012 and is STILL SICK, also we (Bananas, Marlon, and Boni) moved to another apart ment in Mesa, I am tired of Land lords who Hate Dogs, but we have had a few of those this Year, and had to move. It's too bad be cause the last place was convenint to the Laundro Mat I have been working in for 10 years, and also with in walking distance of the Dominos pizza where we would some times find old Cheese in the trash to feed the Dogs, and 99 Cents Only is near by too which is a good place to find Eggs , Canned foods, and clothe , pet toys, all very cheap. Here's hoping Neil has a Great Carere, He has Earned it. I have also Earned some thing better, in life.
Money, or Dog food, these two Dogs (Bananas and Marlon) expecialy like SWANSON CHICKEN POT PIES, or T.V Dinners, or old Tacos, Waffles, they like Italian food, bread sticks, Ice cream, spageti with tomatoes sauce, any thing would Do, if you Work in a resaurant, PLEASE Save any throw-away or Spoiled, ruined Food, for my Dogs. Thank You!!! Also if you work for U.P.S. or Fedaral Express, we need a Way to ship all this Food from the Resaurants, to my Dogs, if you can give us a Code Number for free shipping. NEIL HAMBURGER ON TWITTER : I don't know Why you would prefer the Official Neil Hamburger Twitter to this Un Official Site (Made with Love), but if you did, for some reason, here is Neil on Twitter, where he Talks , directly , to the Fans: NEIL HAMBURGER ON TWITTER
Above: Bananas is a Happy Dog who lives with Webmaster Boni Jergen, Who Runs This Award-Winning Web Site
BELOW: Fantastical depiction of show attendee
"I *LOVE* MY DOGS" - Boni Jergen, Web Master of this Site WANTED: I need a Law student, or out-of-work ATTORNY that could work for FREE or for Trade (I have over 30 V.H.S. tapes of Neil Hamburger shows from 2000-2006 I could trade you), to Help SUE (LAW SUIT) my Land Lord that had turned my Dogs into the Arizona Animal welfare agency for Abuse, ILLEGALLY because these Dogs are NOT ABUSED, I'm sorry but these Dogs are LOVED more than any Dog you would ever meet, it is NOT a crime for a Dog to chew a door knob, that is how they keep the Teeth healthy, and the Door hinge came off any way, these are Happy Dogs. Sorry Mr. Gipito, you are going to lose every thing you ever had, when I am finished, suing you for Defamition of Character and harrassment. Please Contact Boni Jergen c/o This Website if you can Help. I am also Looking for Old Uneaten Food for these Dogs, not Canned Dog food which is poision, but Good-quality restaurant Food that would get thrown away, they love Olive Garden the best, the manager at the Mesa Olive Garden told me not to return and put a Pad-Lock on their Dumpster, now I will try Scotsdale or Chandler , but my Car is not running, I need a Closer supply of this Type of food, if you are in the Mesa Arizona Area please get in touch, the Dogs also like Taco's, and Waffle House food (Omeletts, Pankake, Waffles, Fried egg.).